Saturday, January 07, 2006

org gile!

his ques
do u own a pocket pc? no
do u own a pda? no
then? what do u do own? hp? yes
and wtf u have no pda then? is it necessary
do u ever know what is pda? yes but i dont how it works
what do u do in the internet instead of irc,downloading,fs,ms? i do blog and search for bursa malaysia
thats all? yes for current
google for pda then, will ya? will do later
what r u doing in dat channel? which chan then
what happen in Klang eh? tell me then
a lot of sexmaniacs. are u part of them? nope

my ques
what do u do? infosec for allianz
infosec? do please google for that too.
how bout ur age? should google for it too? i was born when the first time Amir Sadars visits Israel
so i should google for that too? maybe u should google for brain
apa masalah anda sebernarnye? shut up and out from this channel

* You were kicked from #chroot by Gripen (shut the fuck up bitch)

* You were kicked from #chroot by ChanServ (User has been banned from the channel)